Agora as encomendas diminuiram um pouco.Neste momento estou finalizando essa camisa que aparece nas fotos abaixo, e ainda falta mais um vestido até semana que vem (viajarei pro Rio dia 14). Não pensem que essa vida de costuras é assim, organizada como nas fotos, ok?
In the last two months my routine was pretty much dedicated to only one task: sewing. As much as my friend's "assistent" than myself. I have been sewing for another friend who is a fashion designer, and for other known people too. A few weeks ago I was challenged to sew two party dresses during only one week! I almost freaked out! But finished it so on time that I couldn't take pictures. :(
Now my orders decreased a little bit. At this moment I'm finishing this shirt on the pictures above, and there's still one dress to make until next week (I'm going to Rio in 14 november). You guys don't think that this life full of sewings are that organized as shown above, ok?
Entre dedos alfinetados e calos, continuo desenhando. E falando em desenhos, tenho duas novidades! A primeira é que comecei um projeto com uma velha amiga carioca que envolve ilustração. Mais pra frente vocês saberão mais sobre isso! E a outra novidade é que eu passei na prova de habilidade específica de desenho, pro vestibular da UFRGS. Vou tentar Artes Visuais de novo. Sorte pra mim em janeiro! :D
Between pinned fingers and some hurts I keep drawing. And speaking of drawings, I have two news! The first one is that I started a project with an old friend from Rio wich illustration is involved. Later I'll give you more info about this! And the other new is that I got approved on specific drawing skills test that is requested to pass to the entrance exam at my local's college. I'm trying get in Fine Arts grade. Good luck for me in january! :D
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Glasses: vintage clubmasters / T-Shirt: DIY / Black Jeans: SHOP126 / Belt: vintage / Boots: vintage wannabe Dr Martens |
Uma vez eu vi na TV um programa que mostrava a Vivienne Westwood mostrando seus lugares favoritos em Londres, e em uma das combinações que ela vestiu tinha uma faixa preta na cabeça que tinha a palavra "CHAOS" estampada em branco. Desde então eu quis escrever em alguma camiseta, e então acabei decidindo fazer isso minutos antes de sair de casa para ir numa festa. Gostei do resultado!
Once I saw on TV a show that Vivienne Westwood was hostess and she showed her favorite places in London. In one of her looks, she was wearing a black fabric strap in the head wich the word "CHAOS" was printed. Since then I wanted to print this word in a t-shirt, and I did it in a few minutes before goin out to a party. Looks nice, huh?
See you!