I thought about many ways of how I could start this post. There's a huge gap between this and the last one. My days have been full of events and happenings. But this is subject for another post. Before we talk about the look, did you like my new header? It's made of charcoal and I decided to keep the font. The width has increased too, so the pictures look better now. So, let's talk about what matters...
Uma vez eu estava na loja de tecidos que tem aqui perto da minha casa dando uma olhada já que precisava de algo novo pra usar numa festa. Ví essa estampa de pois bem grandinha e aconteceu tudo isso na minha cabeça:
Once I was inside the fabric store near my home looking for something good to wear for a party. Then I saw this polka dots pattern and all this happened in my head:
O resultado disso tudo foi essa blusa, com o shape das blusas da coleção S/S 2012 de Raf Simons com o romantismo da estampa de bolas de Comme Des Garçons.
The result of all this was that blouse with the shape seen on Raf Simons S/S 2012 with the romantic feel of Comme Des Garçons polka dots.

Esses sapatos eu achei numa loja no centro de Porto Alegre, bem popular. São sapatos de segurança. Adoro o fato deles serem grosseiros e a sola ser parecida com as de coturno. Eles me lembram os sapatos da Dr Martens, só que o preço deles não é nem 1% do que custa um Dr Martens. HEHE Já pensei em pintá-los com spray de tinta em alguma cor pastel,e deixar o solado preto.
These shoes I found at a very popular store in downtown Porto Alegre, and they are security shoes. I love the way they look gross. Reminds me of Dr Martens shoes but it isn't like 1% of what a Dr Martens costs. HEHE I thought of spray paint them in a pastel color and keep the black sole.
Até logo!
See you soon!
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